

Free Intro Class

Consider a FREE class in Qigong-based Mindfulness Meditation. Give it a try and test the results for yourself. Just email me at <info@spaceforspirit> and I will forward you a Zoom link for the LIVE class.

You can consider it a risk-free introduction to my Fall “Mindful Qigong” Series. Totally accessible and non-intimidating, these classes are designed to connect you with the rhythm of your own breath and to tune into your own body releasing you from the habit of striving and judging to simply enjoy the experience of spending time with yourself, home-to-self.

This free virtual class is offered Wednesday October 20th at 10.00 a.m. It is open to all ages and all levels of fitness or health. You may email me to book a phone consultation, and I welcome your emails with any questions you may have. OR just come onto the introductory class for a no-risk trial experience. Contact me soon at <>.

My 8-week Mindful Qigong (Chi Kung) Fall series starts October 27th, also Wednesdays from 10.00 – 11.00 a.m. for only $88, so let me know if you are in!

“May these autumn days bring delight to all your senses”

Events, Mindful Qigong Plus

Discover more Joy in May with this Class!

Join a class to experience the joyful benefits of simply paying attention to your body and your breath — benefits like more energy and less stress, relief of pain and improvement of all body functions for overall wellbeing!

Virtual classes are offered Wednesday and Saturdays at 9.30 a.m.

The hour is divided into three 20-minute sections, so you can drop in and join for as long as your schedule allows. A video is available for the week following each class.

Fees are $40 for the 4 Wednesday classes, $50 for the 5 Saturday classes OR $80 for all 9 classes. Another option is $12 per individual class. If you take one class and then wish to register for the rest of the month, you may apply the $12 against the monthly fee.

To register, simply send payment to this email address <> with a message to indicate which class and I will send you the zoom meeting link. Please contact me with any questions or to arrange other options if the amount or method of payment does not work for you at this time.

Wishing you a safe and joyful day!

Mindful Qigong Plus, Uncategorized

The Six Key Principles of Mindful Qigong 

After many years of practicing Qigong and meditation, the two gradually melded into one practice for me. As I thought about how to remember and teach others the key principles that bring optimum results, an acronym finally emerged: BIPAVE. The six letters also hold some meaning in the sense that the practice “paves” the way for energy to flow as on a “byway”, upwards and downwards in it’s many pathways through and around the body. I’ve summarized the principles below for easy reference:

Breath – Be conscious of your breath throughout the class. Notice its qualities: how fast or slow, shallow or deep, regular or uneven. Expand your breathing, gradually increasing depth and evenness, exhaling fully each time. Continually bring attention back to breath and let the qigong movements follow its rhythm.

Intention – Take a moment to become aware of where you most want comfort or healing today, be it physical, emotional, mental or social/spiritual. Be specific with your statement of intent; for example, “pain gone from …”, “forgiveness from …”, “no more fear of …”, release anger about …”. The effect of intention is strong.

Posture – Bring your body into its best posture to enhance the flow of qi/energy.  Ground your feet on the floor, your bum on the chair, and reach your head to heaven. Imagine a silver cord drawing your body up into alignment.  You will look and feel better as all your organs have more space and you come into balance.

Awareness/Mindfulness – This is about paying attention and noticing what’s going on with your whole self. Being mindful of your breath, body, feelings and thoughts and accepting it all without judgement. Whenever your thoughts stray, gently bring your focus back to your self in this present moment. Awareness is empowering!

Visualization – Allow your imagination free reign for each of the movements. Be an archer aiming and successfully hitting the target; create a beautiful sky above you for the heavenly stretch; imagine your lungs expanding as precious vessels with every inhalation! For guided meditations open all your senses to the experience.

Enjoyment – What does joy feel like for you – in your body, mind and soul? Bring the memory of that into your Mindful Qigong practice. Celebrate the movement of your body, delight in the scope of your imaginings, bask in your calm mind and uplifted spirit. Enjoy your renewed and balanced ENERGY.

I would also like to mention that as a practice group grows larger, the sense of the energy grows stronger. Just as I offer this gift to you, your presence is a gift to me and others as we practice together in a group. Welcome to my classes. They are currently held in St Vincent Park, Barrie, Wednesday mornings at 9.00 and 10.00. There is no fee, you may just pass-it-on as you can.


Mothers’ Day: Just Another Hallmark Event?

Make a Real Connection!

So many special days on the calendar! So many great cards to choose from! You can go online when time is short or browse the shelves of a local store to find the perfect image and words that echo just what you want to say (or that leave out what you can’t honestly say?). That’s okay and mom will appreciate your effort: a lovely card goes a long way to lift the spirits and brighten the day. OR you can extend ourselves a little for a chance at something more meaningful, a real connection!

How often do you go one step further and write a sentence or two that is personal and special, a few words to show that she is really on your mind and heart. Even better, take say 20 minutes and share some memories of times you enjoyed together. Not a listing of how great a mom she is or how much you appreciate all she’s done for you, although nothing wrong with some of that. I’m talking about reminiscing about a great experience you had together – it might be getting through a hard time, special laughs on a holiday or adventure, or a family event that you planned together.

If perchance none of this is comfortable due to issues of estrangement, then this is a good time to open yourself to the possibility of reconciliation. In spite of any anger and pain you may have, to simply make the intention of wanting a healthier relationship will bring about a shift in the right direction. The subtle energies carried by your thoughts have power and influence, so when you choose the higher road of understanding and compassion (for yourself as well a your mom), you open the channels for genuine connection – a gift beyond price.



It’s not too late! Drop into my class starting at 5.00 p.m. today — and every Wednesday in January. No mat or special clothing needed. Just come as you are. You’ll find the the simple movements of Qigong integrated with the Mindful Movement principles easy, enjoyable and effective. Find us at 37 Burton Avenue in the auditorium of the church. Free-will offering only. I hope to see you one day soon to try out this program I call “Mindful Movements for Wellbeing.” Just drop in, or text//call me at 705-241-7464.


Your Path to Wellbeing: Mindful Qigong

Join a virtual class, schedule a private session, or come to the park if you’re local. A health-giving method that will relax and revive you at the same time. So accessible, easier than Yoga or Thai Chi.

For details: or 705-241-7464 to text or call

Combining the powerful principles of Mindfulness Meditation with the easy and miraculous movements of ancient Qigong (chee kung), this class is becoming known for how good it makes you feel. Be good to yourself and join Lynne for an hour of joyful movement with meditative moments throughout.

As you focus on your breath and the rhythmic movements, your awareness of the here and now will increase. The practice is designed to bring you home to your self, to fully enjoy being in the here and now. You can even make it a daily practice to nurture body, mind and spirit.

Make a simple call, text or email for more information, or to register. Private and semi-private sessions of various lengths can also be arranged. 705-241-7464,

Join others who say “I’m set for the day now”, ” that pain has gone”, “feel years younger”, “didn’t expect the healing!” Be good to yourself today!


Home to Self

My Mindful Qigong classes are now available on Zoom! We go live on Wednesday mornings at 9.30 and Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. My purpose is to help bring you “home to self”, something you will be hearing more about.

This is a simple and easy program where you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Let me know if you would like the link for a complementary class.

I think you’ll like it.

Events, Uncategorized

St Vincent Park Wednesday Mornings

Join us for a FREE and EASY exercise/meditation class in one of Barrie’s most beautiful parks with shade trees and water views — and nice new washrooms. St Vincent Park is between Kempenfelt Drive and Blake Street at the south end of St Vincent Street.

We gather at the south end at 10.00 a.m. every Wednesday morning, weather permitting.  Open to one and all, with the only requirement being respect for maintaining social-distance from anyone not in your immediate household or bubble.  We call the practice Mindful Qigong which brings together the easy movements of healing Qigong with the principles of Mindfulness Meditation. See you there!


SOS? Affordable Virtual Therapy

Now more than ever it is important to know that support is available. Please feel free to contact me to schedule a free introductory consultation.  My fees until further notice have been reduced to $75 per virtual session (from $125). And for Essential Services workers 2 sessions for price of 1 (2 for $75). Often one session is sufficient to get the help and take-away tools you need to overcome anxiety, for example.



Mindfulness for Health and Hope

“During this trying time, we can all benefit from positive, inspiring messages and encouragement. Join me every Tuesday at 10 a.m. for a phone-in audio program where I will provide guided meditation and simple exercises to help calm your mind and soothe your soul. This program is offered as part of the City of Barrie’s Seniors Centre Without Walls initiative. To register for this program, contact City of Barrie Recreation Programmer Jessica Gourlie at
705-739-4220 ext 5688 or by email”


Mom’s Day and Pan 2020: It’s Okay to Cry

Sometimes when I allow the suffering around me to fully enter my awareness, I just want to cry, and I’ve finally learned to say “that’s okay”. More people are homeless and hungry, children are cooped up, mothers and fathers are faced with parenting challenges they never dreamed of, those in abusive environments lack protection, so many people old and young are dying unnaturally and unexpectedly and without the comfort of family and friends. If you are human at all and you open your heart, how can you not feel the need to mourn for yourself and others. Continue reading “Mom’s Day and Pan 2020: It’s Okay to Cry”